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White Scientist Talks the Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks… Bombshell Report

Know ya Story

This video lecture documents the pattern of heavy metals poisoning, medical experimentation, organ harvesting, covert fertility task forces and other tactics that seek to eliminate blacks from our planet.

These genocidal tactics are carried out in the name of science and medicine via the following vectors:

  • Food supply (laced with infertility chemicals, confirmed by the New York Times quoting a U.S. President’s science advisor)

  • Water supply (heavy metals poisoning, as we recently witnessed in Flint, Michigan)

  • Medical experimentation (Tuskegee, Guatemalan prisoner experiments funded by the U.S. government, etc.)

  • Immunization campaign (covert sterilization of young women in Africa)

  • Cancer (disproportionately affects people of darker skin color due to vitamin D deficiency)

  • Abortion activities that target blacks in order to harvest baby organ tissue for use in vaccines — medical cannibalism

From Mike Adams, 'The Health Ranger':

There is a concerted effort to exterminate blacks in the name of “science” and “medicine”

I am the only predominantly Caucasian scientist in the world who dares to tell the truth about the science agenda to exterminate blacks. The reason I can do this is because my science laboratory receives no funding from any government or university. I have zero financial ties to the medical establishment that’s systematically exterminating blacks, thus they cannot threaten me by attempting to withhold funds from my scientific research.

The real racism in America is not simply carried out by a small number of people in white pointy hats. The real, deep racism is carried out by men in lab coats who are systematically pursuing an agenda to exterminate blacks through food, water, medicine, biological weapons and more.

Source: Natural News


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